It seems to be impractical and contrary to the government's intention of trying to move forward in a globally co-ordinated fashion, Mr Sands said. 冼博德表示:这种做法似乎不切实际,并与英国政府努力以全球协同方式发展的意图背道而驰。
Under such circumstances, contrary to its intention of attracting the best minds, Peking University will create a new channel of corruption involving the school, the government and the business world. 如此一来,北大便完全背离了吸引优秀人才的初衷,反而会制造出一条个新的腐败渠道,使学校、政府与商界悉数卷入其中。
Being too anxious to help an event develop often results in the contrary to our intention. 太着急帮助一件事物发展,结果往往和我们的意图相反(欲速则不达)。
Large plant area and high cost of the wastewater treating plant have already become banters in the development of environment protection and the occupation of large land area is contrary to the original intention of environment protection. 污水处理场占地面积大,投资高已成为限制环境保护事业发展的障碍之一,而大面积占用土地与环境保护的初衷也是相违背的。
The result of the practice, however, not only is contrary to their original intention, but brings great influence upon the later ages. 然而,实践的结果不仅违背了他们的初衷,也给后世带来了巨大的负面影响。
Fourth, the higher qualities these college teachers of entrepreneurial education present and better result these university students achieve in participating in such entrepreneurial education training, on the contrary, the less likely these university students have entrepreneurial intention. 第四,大学创业教育教师素质越高以及大学生参加创业教育的学习效果越好,越会减弱大学生的创业意向。
As we know, it is completely contrary to enterprises 'intention of setting up the system. 而这有悖于企业建立渠道系统的初衷。
If the legislation identified the specific content of the general Environmental Rights, it would be contrary to the original intention of the general Environmental Rights. 如果在立法中确定一般环境权的具体内容,将有违法律确立一般环境权的初衷。
This practice is contrary to the true legislative intention for advance notice exercising system of laborers 'resignation and it is not compliant with the unequal protection concept of labor law, so all these means which limiting the resignation right of laborers are ineffective. 这种做法有违劳动者辞职权预告行使制度的立法本意,与劳动法倾斜保护的理念不符,因此限制劳动者预告行使辞职权的这些手段都是无效的。
On the other hand, according to the rules of tort liability principles, really require all voice regardless of the situation of all jointly and severally liable, is contrary to the intention of the legislators. 另一方面,根据侵权责任的规则原则,当真要求所有代言人不分情况的一律承担连带责任,是有悖立法者的本意的。